Carbon Reduction Plan
Commitment to achieving Net Zero
Sanctum Recruitment Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050, in line with the commitment of the Welsh Government.
Baseline Emissions Footprint
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year: 2024 | |
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations. | |
We are establishing our first baseline measure in 2024. We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions are we are using this baseline measure to evaluate the efficacy of a broad range of measures we have been planning and embedding into the company during 2024.
We are assuming our carbon intensity factor of 10% above average for our energy consumption. The UK average carbon intensity for electricity generation in 2023 was 162 grams of carbon dioxide (gCO2) per kilowatt hour (kWh), however our current supplier, Utility Warehouse is rated by DitchCarbon as having a higher intensity score than average. As such, we have used a value of 178 grams per kWh in our baseline calculations. We have based emissions relating to business milage on the assumption of an average petrol car emitting around 164 grams of CO2 per kilometre (g CO2/km). We make an assumption of 0.18 tonnes of CO2 per 100 Gb of data stored, for calculating emissions from cloud servers. For waste production, we are using the WRAP (Waste and Resources Action Programme) estimate of 1 tonne of municipal solid waste going to landfill results in 411 kg of CO2 equivalent emissions (this includes methane and other greenhouse gases). Royal Mail estimates their average parcel delivery produces 181g of CO2 for UK mainland deliveries. |
Baseline year emissions: 2024 | |
Scope 1 | 0 |
Scope 2 | Electricity usage – based on our current consumption of 2457 kWh per month, we estimate tCO2 from electricity use in our offices to be 5.2 tons per annum. |
Scope 3
(Included Sources) |
Business milage – principally comprising commuting by internal employees. We estimate current commuting patterns generate 250 miles / week or 11,500 miles per year based on a 46-week year. This equates to 2.8 tonnes per annum.
Cloud Storage – we currently store approximately 2Tb of company data in cloud servers. Therefore, we calculate our CO2 emissions from cloud storage as 3.6 tonnes per annum. Waste production – assuming there are 251 working days in a year, we generate approximately 2.5 tonnes of waste going to landfill each year, generating approximately 1 tonne per annum. Temporary Worker Shifts – in delivering services to our clients, that is within our downstream supply chain, we fill approximately 3600 shifts per month. Assuming each Temporary Worker commutes 10 miles per shift, on average, we generate 3600 miles of business mileage within our downstream supply chain each month. This equates to a total of 11.4 tonnes per annum. Delivery of staff uniforms – we deliver 500 staff uniforms to Temporary Workers each year, accounting for approximately 90kg of tCO2e per annum. |
Total Emissions | 24.1 tonnes per annum |
Current Emissions Reporting
Reporting Year: 2024 – our baseline is the current year. | |
Scope 1 | 0 |
Scope 2 | Electricity usage – based on our current consumption of 2457 kWh per month, we estimate tCO2 from electricity use in our offices to be 5.2 tonnes per annum. |
Scope 3
(Included Sources) |
Business milage – principally comprising commuting by internal employees. We estimate current commuting patterns generate 250 miles / week or 11,500 miles per year based on a 46-week year. This equates to 2.8 tonnes per annum.
Cloud Storage – we currently store approximately 2Tb of company data in cloud servers. Therefore, we calculate our CO2 emissions from cloud storage as 3.6 tonnes per annum. Waste production – assuming there are 251 working days in a year, we generate approximately 2.5 tonnes of waste going to landfill each year, generating approximately 1 tonne per annum Temporary Worker Shifts – in delivering services to our clients, that is within our downstream supply chain, we fill approximately 3600 shifts per month. Assuming each Temporary Worker commutes 10 miles per shift, on average, we generate 3600 miles of business mileage within our downstream supply chain each month. This equates to a total of 11.4 tonnes per annum. Delivery of staff uniforms – we deliver 500 staff uniforms to Temporary Workers each year, accounting for approximately 90kg of tCO2e per annum. |
Total Emissions | 24.1 tonnes per annum |
Emissions reduction targets
In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction targets.
We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next two years by 50.9% by the end of 2026.
Reductions over the next two years come from:
- transitioning to carbon-neutral energy tariffs – 6% reduction
- cloud storage provider – 9% reduction
- projected 50% reduction in waste going to landfill
- saving from 1 tonne less landfill equates to a 1% reduction overall
- saving created by sending 1 tonne of paper waste for recycling, which creates carbon savings from avoiding the manufacture of new paper products equates to a 4% reduction overall
These initial reductions remove our Scope 2 emissions and significantly reduce our Scope 3 emissions. Following these initial reductions our plan focuses on affecting change in staff travel patterns, incentivising lower carbon forms of transport, prioritising recruitment local to our client premise and using careful planning for selecting the closest candidates for every shift. We estimate we can drive a 10% per year reduction in emissions over the subsequent 7 years, using these approaches. We accept however, there is an unavoidable level of transport within our business model and we will be unable to remove the carbon associated with this travel entirely. Achieving our net zero commitment from 2032 onward will be down to progressive implementation of carbon off-setting initiatives.
Progress against our targets can be seen in the graph below (Baseline figures at 2024 are actuals, progress towards 2050 is projected).

Carbon Reduction Projects
Sanctum Recruitment is fully committed to achieving the target of being Carbon Neutral by 2050.
To achieve this target, we have developed a credible and realistic plan, addressing in turn each of the primary sources within or Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions.
We project that carbon emissions will decrease significantly within the next year, resulting from our planned transfer to a renewable electricity tariff once our current contract ends. This action alone will cut our emissions by an estimated 21.6%.
We will also make significant changes in our energy use within our offices, including driving behaviour change to reduce electricity use as much as possible.
With respect to our 3 emissions, we will launch an awareness raising campaign targeting both internal staff and Temporary Workers to highlight the importance of reducing private / single occupancy journeys to and from work and transitioning as much as possible to low-carbon transport such as public, cycling, walking and car-sharing. We will also lobby our supply chain partners to address their own emissions and add environmental sustainability as a key factor to our procurement decision-making and purchasing practices.
We are reviewing our waste management practices to promote segregation of waste and recycling. We estimate we can half the volume of waste going to landfill over the next year.
It is envisaged that carbon offsetting or technology such as carbon capture and storage will be deployed to achieve the difference between actual and net zero carbon during the final year of our reduction programme.
The following environmental management measures and projects are being implemented following our 2024 baseline assessment. The measures will be in effect when performing the contract.
Planned carbon reduction projects include:
Scope 2
- Transition to a renewable energy tariff at the end of 2025
- Interventions to reduce power consumption including promoting change in staff behaviour, ensuring
- all equipment is unplugged at the end of the working day,
- switching lights off when not needed
- managing temperature fluctuation via non-electrical means, e.g. adding of removing layers of clothing, opening windows or using blinds during sunny weather
- Awareness raising with staff about personal behaviours to reduce electricity use.
- Continue with plans to use maximum energy efficient equipment throughout our offices, including LED/PIR lighting.
Scope 3
- Deliver further reductions in emissions resulting from commuting to work by temporary Workers.
- Encourage Temporary Workers to use low carbon transport methods such as walking, cycling and public transport
- Promote participation in the Government Cycle to Work Scheme
- Using planning approaches at the point of shift fulfilment to select the closest available Temporary Worker
- Running regular cluster analysis of our shift fulfillment data to identify the areas of maximum activity and focusing our recruitment activities in these areas to ensure we develop our workforce of local Temporary Workers who are going to undertake the shortest commutes.
- Require suppliers to report their carbon footprint data to us to improve the accuracy of carbon measurement and engaging with suppliers to support our net zero goal.
- All suppliers to have produced their own net zero target and plan (by 2030 latest) that align with Sanctum Recruitment targets.
- Promote low-carbon forms of staff commuting, such as incentivising the Government Cycle to Work scheme, facilitating/arranging car sharing
- Maximising the potential for work from home and hybrid working arrangements
- Utilising communication technologies to promote the use of virtual meetings
- Transitioning to a carbon neutral cloud storage
- Separating waste into recycling and landfill streams.
Staff Engagement and Cascade
As we implement these measures, we will positively encourage full involvement from our full staff team. We will make Environmental Sustainability a standing agenda item at staff meetings, and all staff will be encouraged to venture ideas for how we progress our carbon reduction plans, and to take ‘ownership’ of our existing plans to avoid these becoming ‘top down’ measures that staff become resistant to.
We will also discuss with staff initiatives they can adopt in their own lives, for example, adopting low-carbon forms of personal transport and adopting practices that reduce their domestic energy consumption.
In this way, we have an opportunity to cascade our carbon reducing measures and escalate their scale and impact.
Commitment to Achieving Net-Zero in Alignment with ISO 14001 and PAS 2060 standards.
We are committed to achieving net-zero emissions by December 2044 this will be aligned to the principles outlined by ISO 14001, the international standard for Environmental Management Systems and also with PAS 2060. We understand that PAS 2060 Carbon Neutrality is the internationally applicable specification for demonstrating carbon neutrality. Verification to PAS 2060 provides a recognised method of substantiating our business’s genuine claims of being carbon neutral.
Declaration and Sign Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard[1] and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting[2].
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard[3].
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the board of directors (or equivalent management body).
Signed on behalf of the Supplier:

Charles Safapour, on behalf of Sanctum Recruitment
Date: 4th November 2024